Kickstart your branding guidelines with us.

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Branding Guidelines

Branding guidelines are rules and standards that describe how your brand should be shown to the public. Brand guidelines aid firms in ensuring consistency and communicating who they are, what they do, and what they stand for. Think of it as a "rulebook" for your brand that outlines the overall appearance and feel of your company.
Consistency is key when it comes to developing a memorable brand. Consider the most well-known companies in the world and how quickly you recognize them. Strong branding guidelines are a component of the glue that makes these companies almost embedded in your mind.
But brand guidelines encompass much more than a logo or emblem.

What are some examples of brand guidelines?

Different brands have different brand rules, but you can take inspiration from what other brands are doing. Our brand rules have sections about design ideas, how to use logos, fonts, colors, layout, and even how to design a brand that moves.

What elements should brand standards contain?

There is no exact formula for brand rules, but the following things are usually included, and you can add more depending on what your brand needs and wants.

How must brand guidelines be implemented?

Effective brand standards are easy to explain and understand by everyone involved in communicating your brand, both inside and outside your company. Therefore, it is recommended that they be succinct, easy to read, and digitally accessible. If the marketers were allowed to use their own judgment in the marketing campaign, there would be inconsistency, which would ultimately hurt your brand. Before putting out any marketing materials, you should set clear rules and make sure they are being followed.

What are brand standards and brand guidelines?

Brand standards, which are usually called a brand style guide, are a set of rules for how to talk about your brand. They include critical comments about the company's voice, tone, and messaging, as well as all the visual specifications. Examples of what to do and what not to do are presented in the form of a physical or digital booklet.
When companies take the time to make branding guidelines, they ensure that their brand image stays the same no matter where it appears. This will pay off big time in the long run because your company will become known and trusted, which is the first step toward brand loyalty.

What role do brand guidelines serve?

The goal of brand standards is to make sure that your brand is communicated well within your company and shown to your target audience in a consistent way. By following brand guidelines to the letter, you can create a unique brand identity to set yourself apart from competitors and stay on consumers' minds.
The brand rules should be communicated and understood across the organization. Even one mistake in how a logo is used can hurt a brand's reputation for professionalism and quality. It is prudent to compile all brand information into a brand book. This could include templates for websites, rules for advertising and writing, and help with branding and tone of voice on social media.

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Wondering how to improve the effectiveness of your brand guidelines?

Check out Xamtac's checklist of brand guidelines.
To keep control of your image and the values you show the public, you need to set brand standards and get buy-in from everyone in your organization. It's not always easy for team members who aren't good at marketing or design to understand how to use images or typefaces or stick to tone of voice and style requirements. By making and sharing brand rules that are easy to understand, your team and outside suppliers can be sure that they are supporting the image and values of your brand in a positive, professional way.
Establishing a brand image takes time, and sustaining a positive brand image requires company-wide effort. Brand guidelines can help you make sure that your brand's identity is easily recognizable around the world, unified, consistent, and of the best quality possible.

What is the purpose of branding guidelines?

You have worked hard to build your brand, but if you don't use it well and consistently, it won't have the effect you want. Setting brand standards is the first step toward making sure your brand is used correctly and consistently. But what are brand guidelines for in the end?

Brand guidelines will help to strengthen your company's identity.

Brand guidelines will help to strengthen your company's identity.

Developing brand standards
        will help your company's brand identity

Developing brand standards will help your company's brand identity

Adhering to the brand rules will give the impression that you are more professional.

Adhering to the brand rules will give the impression that you are more professional.

 Brand guidelines will boost brand recognition.

Brand guidelines will boost brand recognition.

     Branding guidelines will boost your brand's value.

Branding guidelines will boost your brand's value.

Brand standards will reinforce your brand's identity

Brand standards will reinforce your brand's identity

Your principles, what you do, and what you stand for are amplified by a great brand image. It also shows off your personality and how you do business, which are important parts of the buying process for your clients, customers, or users because your brand is what sets you apart from the competition.

Brand guidelines will enhance your professional image.

Again, the purpose is consistency. Maintaining a professional aura requires total consistency.
If the photos and font sizes on your website, social media, and other communications are all different, it will look like you don't have your act together. Implementing a strict set of brand rules will help you show how professional you are in all of your brand's parts and uses.

Brand guidelines will enhance your company's brand recognition.

Successful businesses are the ones that people remember and that remain in the minds of their clients, customers, and users. Your brand's recognition will be at its highest level because of how uniform things will be because of your standards.

Brand standards will ensure that everyone correctly uses your brand.

Your brand rules will provide clear, simple directions for your staff to follow so that your brand is always used appropriately.

Brand guidelines will boost your brand's value.

When your brand identity is consistent, the perceived value of your company will rise. Using your brand often will not only make you look more professional, but it will also help you maintain its quality and integrity. Get in touch with Xamtac Consulting if you think your brand has become boring or if you think it's time to reevaluate your current rules so that your brand can achieve the goals above.

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